ELM to someone coming from JS

the language with a weird cube puzzle as a logo that explodes into different shapes!

🔲 💥 🏃


True -- Bool
1 -- number
1.1 -- Float (still a number)
"fantastic" -- String
'f' -- Char
[ "list", "of", "strings" ] -- List String
("tuple", "of", 42) -- (String, String, number) 
{ a = "record", b = "of", c = 4, d = "things"} -- Record

to reinvent the square wheel:

oldWheel = { name = "wheel", shape = "circle", radius = 100 }
newWheel = { oldWheel | shape = "square" }


the javascript

const shout = (word: string) => {
    return `${word}!!!`


shout word =
    word ++ "!!!"