• 2023 summary, and 2024 aspirations

    2023 summary, and 2024 aspirations

    Here it is again, a whole new year has gone by and I’ll again try to wrack my brain for all the things that probably happened within a time-span of 12 months! In good fashion, this update is 2 months late! 2023 has been one of my favourite years yet! (I should preface this by…

  • 2022 Summary, and 2023 aspirations!

    2022 Summary, and 2023 aspirations!

    There hasn’t been much blog content here! (probably as expected of your average blog!), but that won’t stop me from making some now! 2022 has been a hell of a year! (both good and bad!), things have happened! For those of you (like myself) who keep track of time via memes: here’s one of the…

  • Macropad


    I made a DIY macropad! First I had to order parts! That meant switches, wires, resistors, soldering iron, solder, a microcontroller… exciting! When the parts arrived, I started testing with a single button. Then with multiple buttons. I didn’t have all the resistor values I would’ve liked, so I had to string a few together.…